Game Elements

 Game Elements

Source: Click Here

In this blog i am going to be discussing my thoughts on the readings that were provided for us this week.

Looking through the first reading ( What are the Qualities of Games? ) we see a couple of different things that help us kind of get a better idea of how components and other things work withing the game itself. There are many things that a game consists of and the more i go through the first reading it opens my eyes not only to new information but to different questions and different ways of looking at a game.
Everyone would love to create a fifa or call of duty type game right off the bat but in reality that's not how it works.

I won't lie when i began reading through i started to get a little bored but as i went down i began to ask different questions and came across a few questions that got me thinking.

Here are some of those questions: 

What challenges do the players face? What actions can players take to overcome those challenges?

● How do players affect each other?

● Is the game perceived by the players as fair? (Note that it may or may not actually be fair. Perception and reality often differ.)

● Is the game re playable? Are there multiple paths to victory, varied start positions, or optional rules that cause the experience to be different each time?

● What is the game’s intended audience? Is the game appropriate for that audience.

It also helped me to see that there is more to just looking at a game but actually being able to analyze things and begin to ask yourself certain things in relation to the game.

I came across another link which also included another feature which was indeed useful under the heading of ( Formal abstract design tools ) this allows us to understand the fundamentals and learn the kind of tools will be used for whatever game is about to be built. We learn certain skillets and languages that will be used in controlling the game.

I stumbled upon another piece of text that welcomed me into a reading ( Paper Prototyping and interactive design ) where we see Chris Barny explain how he created and trialed his game.

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